Food habits have consequences & risksconsequences nix6 eat3

The omega-3 and omega-6 fats in different food items have  omega 3-6 balance scores that range from +200 to -100.  Omega 3-6 Balance Scores were designed in 2012, and 5,000  balance scores are online.  Typical scores for American, European, Mediterranean, Japanese and Greenland lifestyles range from -7 to +3. Different food choices give different proportions of n-3 and n-6 HUFA stored in tissues. (click Figure for details)

Food Balance HUFA


The % omega-6 in HUFA  is a blood biomarker useful for
HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT. It can be monitored with a simple blood test. Higher proportions of the omega-6 acids (and lower omega-3 acids) mean higher health risk as shown in the Figure below. The HUFA balance in body tissues from which the hormone-like eicosanoids are created can range from 25 to 85% omega-6. You can lower the %n-6 in HUFA when you NIX the 6 while you EAT the 3.

– – WHAT PROPORTIONS ARE IN YOUR BODY’S MEDICINE CHEST?  More omega-6 in HUFA gives more intense omega-6 eicosanoid action and more risk of heart attacks.

hra graph

Excessive omega-6 eicosanoid actions cause thrombosis, arrhythmia and heart attacks plus increased risk for many other health conditions.  Annual heart attack death rates per 100,000 people range from 20 to 200 as the %omega-6 in HUFA ranges from 25% to 85%.  Of course, 200 means 99,800 or more per 100,000 do NOT have a heart attack!

Different lifestyles have widely different disease risk as average food scores differ from +3 to -7. Use omega 3-6 balance scores to make informed food choices to NIX the 6 and EAT the 3  and lower your overall HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT biomarker of %n-6 in HUFA. It is important to recognize that HUFA balance affects many comorbid health conditions beside heart attacks.


revised May, 2021